News Details



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Date: 29-11-2023

Title: "Afyafrika's Bold Initiative: 16 Days of Activism Against GBV and Children Service Month Launch in Narok County"


In a powerful collaboration aimed at addressing the urgent issues of gender-based violence (GBV) and the welfare of children, Afyafrika, in partnership with the State Department for Gender and the Judiciary, has launched a groundbreaking initiative in Narok County. The campaign, spanning 16 days, marks a significant step in the collective effort to combat GBV and elevate the standard of children's services in the region.

The Partnership:

Afyafrika's strategic collaboration with key stakeholders, including the State Department for Gender and the Judiciary, underscores the gravity of the issues at hand. By joining forces, these entities demonstrate a shared commitment to fostering a safer and more supportive environment for vulnerable populations.

Objectives of the Campaign:

The primary goal of the 16-day activism campaign is to raise awareness about GBV and advocate for meaningful change in policies and attitudes towards survivors. Additionally, the initiative seeks to shine a spotlight on the importance of Children's Service Month, emphasizing the need for enhanced support systems and resources for the youth.

Activities and Events:

Throughout the 16 days, a series of events and activities will be organized to engage the local community and amplify the campaign's message. These may include workshops, seminars, panel discussions, and interactive sessions led by experts, activists, and community leaders. The diverse range of activities aims to educate, empower, and mobilize individuals to take a stand against GBV and actively participate in improving children's services.

Community Involvement:

A crucial aspect of the initiative is fostering community involvement and ownership. By encouraging active participation from local residents, Afyafrika and its partners hope to create a sustainable impact that extends beyond the duration of the campaign. Community leaders, influencers, and grassroots organizations will play pivotal roles in disseminating information and mobilizing support.

Empowering Survivors:

Addressing GBV involves not only raising awareness but also providing support to survivors. The campaign will prioritize initiatives that empower survivors, offering resources, counseling services, and legal assistance. By giving survivors a platform to share their stories, the campaign aims to break the stigma surrounding GBV and encourage others to speak out.

Policy Advocacy:

In tandem with community engagement, the initiative will advocate for policy changes that address the root causes of GBV and improve children's services. Collaborative efforts with government agencies, legal institutions, and community leaders will be instrumental in effecting lasting change.


Afyafrika's partnership with the State Department for Gender and the Judiciary to launch 16 days of activism against GBV and Children Service Month in Narok County represents a bold and commendable step towards creating a safer and more supportive community. By combining awareness-raising activities, community involvement, and survivor empowerment, this initiative strives to make a lasting impact on the lives of those affected by GBV and enhance the well-being of children in the region. As the campaign unfolds, the hope is that it will serve as a model for similar initiatives across the nation, fostering a collective commitment to eradicating GBV and promoting the welfare of children.