Project Steering Committee (PSC)
The PSC is the key decision-making body of the project, made up of representatives (at least 70% female) composed of up to 2 representative each from: Global Affairs Canada, CARE Kenya, the partners Uraia Trust, CREAW, CRAWN Trust, and UAF Africa, and 2 external technical advisors (on a 2.5 year basis; 2 advisors per term) deeply embedded in or knowledgeable about the feminist movement. The external technical advisors were selected by the other PSC members, through a process of soliciting suggestions and then coming to consensus on the finalised list.
The PSC oversees the Project overall mandate and results, establishes strategic directions and programme priorities, approves annual work plans, budgets, ultimate recipient WRO selection, MEAL systems, and holds the project accountable for the use of funds. The PSC meets twice per year and is convened and chaired by the four implementing partners on rotation basis with CARE as Secretariat. PSC meetings will be likely tplanned to coincide with key moments / PSC tasks in the project (such as selection of WRO for multi-year grants) and if possible, to coincide also 26 with reporting periods to GAC so that the PSC can review project progress before the reports are submitted to GAC.
PSC is the high-level decision-making body of the project with a focus on the most important strategic decisions across the whole project, whereas each TWG (see below) is made up of those who advise the PSC around a specific outcome area of their project based on their knowledge and experience linked to the topic. Having standing items on the PSC meeting agenda allows for two way feedback with the TWG and the Implementers Forum (see below). In line with feminist principles, the PSC builds consensus instead of voting. Voting should be a last resort in cases where committee members fail to agree.
The Technical Working Groups:
The WVL Kenya project will host 3 Technical working groups of 5-11 members each and at least 70% of their membership must be female. These will focus on each of the project core areas of work:
(1) Multi-year funding and capacity building (co-chaired by Uraia Trust and CREAW who will lead on this area of work);
(2) Fast, responsive funding (chaired by UAF Africa who will lead on this); and
(3) Network and alliance building (chaired by CRAWN Trust who will lead on this).
The partners will chair each TWG so that advisory support, decision and guidance about exact expertise, organizational development, campaigns and other activities are left in the hands of WROs. This structure has a technical advisory role. TWGs will offer technical advice to support input and review on work plans, budgets and objectives related to the TWGs core area encompassing technical thematic areas like but not limited to SGBV, SRHRs, economic empowerment, legal rights and representation; identify key priorities for what the TWG will deliberate on, review and forward to the PSC for consideration; recommend tactics and approaches under each pillar for better project implementation, results delivery and accountability; and advise and recommend documentation and knowledge management approaches to be explored by each thematic pillar.
TWGs may chose to focus on key issues of the project, for example, the multi-year funding TWG may review and provide recommendations to improve the multi-year grant criteria, call for concept notes, and the concept note template.